Thursday, October 07, 2021

New pad update:

New pad update: Our room is still a fiasco. We are now basement dwellers and I been down here the last few days working on it.

Our bed didn't fit down the Hobbit hole so we are using a big cushion we found in one of the rooms and an air mattress. Turns out we like it. Every day something in the house changes for the better. People have been working on stuff at all hours but there is still a ways to go. I have never seen our son happier. The custody unpleasantness is still continuing so I'm glad this house is so grounding for mah guy.

We need lots of hangar space so I cut some fabric and made struts to hold up some poles I found in one of the back buildings. Olive likes it. "I love that those cloth pieces perfectly match my favorite curtain." Me: (Oops)

Hey Olive, How ya like doing Yoga in the studio building?

We decided that all food was fair game except for the supplies of one roomie who requires better dietary accounting. We hung out with Sam the electrician all afternoon as he installed new lightning faucets. He showed us the breaker box pointing to the hose above it. "See that clowns? Don't be digging around in there." I love that in his mind we would be poking that thing with forks if the lights ever went off.


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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.