Thursday, December 17, 2020

NOICE! (in Spanish: Orale) The reduced noise pollution in my neighborhood is divine.

 NOICE! (in Spanish: Orale) The reduced noise pollution in my neighborhood is divine. It makes my day as an environmentalist and as a professional observer (eavesdropper.) I collect sounds like a bird watcher and reporting about it keeps my wheels on the ground via people donating to Often I get a note "That post was funny a.f. here is some skrill" That just encourages me. My favorite neighborhood sound ever was hearing a woodpecker, car alarm and truck driving with a profoundly flat tire. Twas the perfect techno song if there is such a thing. It was a wonderful philharmonic experience for me. Just now I got a sonic jewel attached to a lesson. I'm sitting in my bush puffing and researching when I suddenly I hear a familiar sound. I looked up and thought. "Hmm, someone is having a face-melting orgasm in the yard across the street." Good on them. I'm happy for whomever it was getting their "holler on" under the stars. Get them good times in while ya can. I was looking around gathering my detritus. I wanted to give them some privacy but then I saw another couple approaching. I sat back down. As soon as something hilarious is about to happen it's my duty as a fake reporter to get the scoop. I closed the laptop and waited. The O sound persisted despite the people drawing close. I was impressed with the dedication. Soon the couple were right in the spot. I was slack-jawed and unblinking. Then I clearly heard one of them point and say "Noice, look, an owl." Then they moved on now talking about past owlsperiences. Their convo faded away and then we were alone again, me and the Owl. It started making that racket again and I realized "Yeah that is very owlish" The story checked out. I'm grateful to have learned something about myself. I don't know what owls sound like. This was my first owlsperience. Noice!

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.