Tuesday, November 24, 2020

PPE life.

  We live with big burly dogs. Thankfully they aren't the kind that jump on you and want to be your best friend. They are more the type that stare at you passive aggressively until you show them your ID even though they know we live here. I love having the security but I was also apprehensive walking into their realm with my PPE on. I expected them to take issue with me. They never have. They always know exactly who I am. It really speaks to the olfactory senses of dogs. They can't be fooled because they know me by smell. I know their names by sight but I'm guessing they mostly know me (and named me) based on smell. My PPE seems to make them laugh at me. "Hey check out the muzzle on Coffeeweedsexbacon, I wonder who he bit."

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