Saturday, November 21, 2020

Mail out!

  Doug ,Heather and Sue your masks and art are on the way! Check out Doug's masks with the heavy duty strap situation. Great job Olive! I love that Heather's masks are very chic looking and Sue is getting Olive's famous "stand hugging rubber chickens." We discovered that we need to do more clown gigs. Losing our edge. dig this, before hitting up the post office we did a singing balloon delivery for a charming couple so we are in clown drag. At the Post station I put my PPE on and went in. As Olive waited outside and older gentlemen gave her grief. "It's not Halloween any more you don't need to be wearing all that shit" It really bummed Olive out. Normally we get waves of joy when we interact with the public with about 10% of people randomly hurling abusive language at us. We have been out of that loop so long it's gonna take some time to re scotch-guard our duck backs. I wish he had chosen me. I'm always looking forward to people giving me an excuse to try out new lines. comebacks and pranks. I'm a forever set trap but unfortunately they typically attack Olive before me. She is over it. So the packages are in the mail and if anyone needs tracking numbers please drop me a line. :) Thanks to all for supporting the clowns!

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