Friday, September 04, 2020

People mask up more than ever now. It's a great thing.

The down is that I can't do "plague-face watching" so much with most faces covered. 
It was extraordinary for me (a fake scientist) to observe what I'm calling "plague-faces" Over the centuries and throughout time there have been plagues. 
Humans make the same faces during daily life no matter what century it is. 
Seeing the "plague-face" expression to me is like a time capsule.
 This calamity has it's own expression and we only get to see it every hundred years or so. 
I was just observing a gentlemen walking by sporting an epoch smashing plague face. 
 Splendid composition. perfect bad posture, perfect shark mouth, blank stare and quiet resignation. 
I was giving him a 9.6 when he noticed me. 
 I didn't have my own plague-face loaded in the chamber so I just smiled. 
I looked down his arm, he was rocking a 12 pack of Rainier beer. I looked at the beer, he looked at me looking at the beer, I smiled at the beer, he smiled at the beer, we smiled at each other and then the beer again. 
A silent distanced conversation about his evening to come. 
Goodie gumdrops, tension quashed and he was on his way again sans the plague-face. 
Glad to see him happy-faced before he gets shit-faced.

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