Thursday, September 03, 2020

My punk rock progeny lost the plot.

 My punk rock progeny lost the plot. 

Our son was here for months. In that time he got a chance to do something he never did before, actually read all the books on his shelf. One book stood out and made him come find me with some questions. 

The main question: "Why is my dog in this book?" Books open to the most viewed page so the first thing he saw was our beloved deceased doggie Banjo Dizmal. That led him to notice the author had written me a note in the cover. 

Both my kids were raised almost entirely in punk houses. Nowadays it's such a distant memory my boy can't relate. I asked him what he saw in the rest of the book.

 "Just a bunch of filthy houses." 

Punk pedigree fail. LOL

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Dingo walking Doggo