Sunday, September 06, 2020

Moldy bacon, (you can use that as a band name b.t.w.)

We had some moldy bacon in the icebox leftover from when our son was here.


I was turning my nose up at the mold bacon when a little voice in my head had a point to make.

It said "Didn't you spend years eating lightbulbs and gargling urine in the circus sideshow?"

Fantastic question there Mr. Internal monologue, I did do that but to be fair, I didn't like that either.

It was nasty. It wasn't a fetish, I had a kid, rent and a booze problem to feed so I did what I had to do (without getting a real job.)

Internal M was persistent.

"It's bacon, mold don't got nothing on bacony goodness.

Now I'm wondering why my inner voice is lobbying for the pork industry.

I fell victim to suggestion and cooked the bacon up.

My strategy was to undercook some eggs with it.

To my surprise neither the bacon or the snotty eggs did anything to distract from the mold.

I got mold in my molars, it's stinking out my nostrils. It is nasty Friends.

So don't believe the hype. moldy bacon is NOT as fun as it sounds.

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