Tuesday, October 08, 2019

We never write our shows anymore.

 I find out what we are doing Tuesdays when Olive pulls an hour's worth of fun out of a hat. 
We have done gigs where we played for hours without repeating anything so whatever she chooses will work and be solid.
 I think it's funny that when we do practice, it's Metallica songs and other stuff we never do live. 
I guess we are practicing our Tude more than our chops. 
We could easily be an adult band but I don't think that is a very good way to pay Portland rents and kiddo child supports.
 I would like to do a Kiss cover and maybe an opera like La Gazza Ladra. 

Before big gigs I warm up with Megadeath and old school Pink Floyd. She warms up with Anthrax and S.O.A.D. 
Never publicly because we aren't allowed to do cover songs. It could get the venue sued. 
We are allowed to be ridiculous. 
Olive loves Judas Priest and Merciful Fate but the falsetto shrieking trick isn't the same when she does it because it sounds like the Disney version.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.