I wasn't amused that the little bit of money we made today was going to maintenance.
Once a week we use our car "Matilda" to get our kids to the other side of town and back. Last trip we caught a flat. Talking about bike events makes me happy. But unfortunately I didn't get to say anything before this other woman (on the right) walked up saying "I'm sorry, you stink! You usually smell really bad but today you smell worse than ever."
The first lady split quick I suppose thinking something was about to kick off.
I said nothing but internally I was amused. I'm downwind of her and in a strong breeze, no way she smells anything. Bad odor must be her excuse to protest my general existence. I'm a long way away from the days of deliberately smelling bad. It used to be a form of rebellion. Gutterpunk tactics are obsolete these days. Also I'm a gorgeous woman's comfort object, Olive isn't hip to any bad smells on me and when I do sweat it effects her in a way that is too hot for Facebook to describe. I can take criticism but this one isn't even close. :) I just smiled and the lady stood there staring at me waiting for the reaction I would never give up. Then Olive and I went to a nearby cafe. Out the window we see a homebum park his garbage can and sit directly across for a man.
It was an awkward moment for him but entertaining nature doc for us. We waited and watched the nature doc to see how it turned out.
I'm glad my traffic cam was rolling when this stuff went down. Great nature doc. :)
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