Friday, June 07, 2019

Horror movies never scared me because the real world is terrifying enough.

The scariest thing back in the day was the Jay Leno "Jay walking" segment. He would walk around asking people simple questions and everyone would laugh when the lady didn't know Africa wasn't a country. 
I wasn't laughing. 
The dummies on screen reflected a lot of people I knew. Having so many uninformed people should have been ringing bells and alarms. 
Now half the people are poor (in the richest country) and the world is on fire. 
Even more frightening is that people are still on board with the corrupt leaders and they are still most critical of the ones working for positive change.
 I study a lot of history and I'm pretty sure these conditions rarely turn out well. 

People should require more than a bumper sticker slogan to have an opinion. Happy Friday.

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