Sunday, September 22, 2024

"Operation Compersion"

 Working the door at the tavern a nice fellow (30 something) needed to share some news. As a single-serving friend who is totally nosey and a captive audience I was game to hear his story. His face looked unsure yet excited, like a kid about to be handed a diploma. "My wife told me she is really attracted to that random woman. I told her to go talk to her." We looked over sure enough they were huddled in a booth. 

I see why he had to tell somebody. I asked "You said you were a cook right?" He nodded. "You know it then, let that shit cook. You did the right thing dipping out. Order some jalapini poppers, they make really good ones here"

Went back to jobbing, checking IDs and and answering stupid questions One guy, "You paint yo nails because you like Mans?" Me: "Quite the opposite Old Boy, I paint my nails because it starts conversations with women." He walked away saying "You like Mans" LOL Dunce.

I had to bounce this creep called Rondo, this evening I used a fake radio. I started walking at him as I turned the radio on. He heard the squelch, saw the Tophat and left. We tangle a lot.

After that unpleasantness, the young man I was talking to's face was different. He had the expression of someone in the passenger's seat of a car rolling down a hill. "The situation got away from me. This time I'm not invited." In my head I hear the music when someone loses the Showcase showdown on Price is right. Then perfectly timed a pint glass fell from the next table with the sound puntuating the state of his plans. His girl was doing really well... Really well, cooking from scratch sans him in the mix. 

He said thier arrangment was that if she joined with other humans he would be allowed to watch. I can't realate to that. Being a third wheel thats not touching the street sounds awful to me. I tried to treat the situation with compassion. I flipped the script for him. Imagine if you were making time with someone, would you want an audience?" He said that was fair. This game also has my security hackles up. I gotta steer this away from becoming an unsightly scene. 

When i think tactics I get militant. "If it isn't a joint arms operation then let your commando operate behind the lines. Be happy for her. Call it "Operation Compersion" dont cock-block. Maybe have a whack at the details later during a staff meeting." 

I had to split to clean up the glass. On my way out another man was percolating. He was gonna puke in the doorway. "NO Dawg, take it to the street!! I'm so glad Eagle serves mostly fried food. When I clean up puke it's all one color and I can pretend it's dogfood. 

Next time I saw my guy he looked grumpy. He marched out and walked to the left, 2 min later the wife marched out walking to the right, 10 min. later thier querry sauntered out with another dude. DOh!

I'm guessing everyone drank enough to flop the plot. I helped the couple find one another and luckily they live in walking distance. 

Afterwards when it was only us staff cleaning we talked about the many "indecent proposals" we have had. I learned a lot about my co-workers. I told them about being young, playing D&D and fantasizing about two women, then growing up, having a strong thruple relationship that was so labor intensive I would fantasize about when i had time to play D&D. Grass is always greener right? LOL

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The bartender last night was making fun of me for my hightened awearnes stare. My face betrayed I was deep in thought, not the normal silly ...