Monday, September 30, 2024

earsplit doorman

 Crazy things I overheard while cleaning ashtrays. B.t.w emptying the ashtrays is critical with this job. Housless folks patrol the area and if too many cigs build up they invade the space. I feel for them but I can't have them anywhere around the punters. I keep the ashtrays clean as possible to avoid "unpleasantness" In those times i get to hear Portland talking. 

Convo at (outside) table 1 :"After midnight roommates arent required to speak to one another while passing in the common spaces." I dropped in on some roomies having a drink and a quick house meeting. Makes sense. You shouldn;'t have to talk to someone when you are half asleep. That a solid plan. 

Speaking of slumber, folks at a table 2 were discussing the last nights orgy and questioning an occurance "I fell asleep at the end and then woke up to someone "visiting" me in a gentle but very sexual way. Is that sexual assault?" Since it was why the person was there and also a pleasurable moment it passed the test.

Table 3 "I collect antiques and as a result my house is getting destroyed by moths and a plumbing problem that happened during that last cold weather disaster last January." Pipes broke, flooded the ground raising the humidity of the house, Antiques erupted moths and beetles. The moisture is ripping the front of the house off and providing an inviting climate to vector pests. This guy measures his house movement like we measure a kid growing by marking thier height on a wall. He showed me his water meter movement, Its clockig water even when he isn't there. In researching his house he found an artice from 1960 about the former owners of his house playing "Russian Roulette" resulting in a man shooting himself. He said he always felt someone lost thier leves in his house.

Table 4. Hugged me. They were upset about my divorce. They asked me about Tavern stories you may have read. They been following my writing. "You tell stories that make us feel like we were there. Tonight we decided to just actually be there." That was music to my ears. Sometimes folks mention stuff and I ask. "How do you know that?" And they say. "You wrote about it silly." lol

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