Thursday, November 11, 2021

My daughter and son are both deep into some chemistry tests for school.

  One is 8th grade and the other Pre-med. Last night my son got help over the phone from his sister and it was sooooo cute. To me it looked like a small aircraft teaching a hanglider how to fly (as seen from me (Daddy Icarus) on the ground.) My daughter's name during the Clown House Daze was The Kid. She was easily the most well known little kid in Portland during those early Zerozees. Now she is in Montana working on being a doc. Makes sense, she saw lots of people injured at the CH (Looking at you Vaden).

The Kid mentioned last night that when she was our son's age in Portland she was not flashy and considered a bit of a wallflower but in Montana she is the flamer because she owns a pair of purple pants. "They like tones of grey and white around here. I stick out like a soar thumb." Our son had a bit of culture shock last weekend when his buds from Eastern OR visited. He thought they were funny for not knowing city stuff and they laughed at him for never being in Walmart or McDonalds before. Last day they were here they took him to Micky Ds and we took them to Rocky Horror.

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