Wednesday, July 28, 2021


 Hitchhiker. Today we delivered a Happygram from a Grand Mother to say "Welcome home" to her Daughter and family after they moved into their first home that they are buying rather than renting.

We decided to stay longer and the family asked if they could invite neighbor kids over for a balloons.Heck yeah! Everyone was enjoying each other. We were singing and dancing and cracking the jokes. At some point I put my guitar Trigger down to be hands-free-funny. When I picked it up moments later I found this huge snail had rolled up on me. I named it "Squatter." I thought these things were supposed to be slow. This was really fast. glad it wasn't a leach.

I soon realized I didn't know how to extract the beast from my ax. I love problems i never encountered before. I asked for some water and then poked the monster. It still wouldn't budge. I dug in a little harder and squeamishly squeegeed this living booger off Trigger and went on with the show. Hope you have a happy life Squatter!

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