Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Humpty Dumpty was a cannon owned by England.

Humpty Dumpty was a cannon owned by England. 
It's job was blowing holes in troops also owned by England. 
The Brits were into civil war WAY before it was cool (1642-49) Cavaliers (Royalists) VS Roundheads (Parliamentarians). 
Humpty sat on a wall protecting a fortified town.
 For a month it reigned iron on the Roundheads until they targeted Humpty's foundations with their own cannon. 
Humpty fell, and soon after so did the royalist town of Colchester.
 The cannon became an egg because of a psychedelic author from the 70's (1870's) Lewis Carrol in his sequal to Alice in Wonderland called "Through the looking glass."
 Damn Victorian hippies coming into our country (their country) turning our cannon into eggs. Harumph!

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