Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I won't tell on you.

My partner is a fine communicator. She asks lots of questions and makes lots of statements. Her worldview and motives are crisp and clear. Me notsomuch. I'm more underground, nebulous, esoteric.
I got a lot of "security culture" ingrained from my background. Hiding in plain sight is the whole reason to be a clownarchist. Now that we are parlaying a lot of masks it's evident that I need to up my game.
Or stop taking mask orders.
Olive will ask "What's their name?" I don't know so I shrug. "You never asked a name?" Nope. Nonna my beezwax. If they don't tell me, I'm not asking.
If anyone else asks their name I'm sure not gonna be the one giving them up. See the system works.
I will get them their masks no matter what. Still to be a better huzbind I'm working on opening up.
The ancients of Byzantium kept the secret of Naptha (greek fire) so well they forgot it resulting in them losing Constantinople and having their asses handed to them by the Arabs.
I recognize that sometimes I look like a donkey when I keep too many secrets. Her: "What would you like for dinner hon?" Me: "Who's asking?"

Sometimes we accidentally make a scene. 
I will be leaving a crowded room and Olive will innocently ask "Where are you going?" 
I freeze like the cops are banging on the door. 
People notice. 
Now everyone is looking at me and all I can think of is "I'm certainly not about to tell this whole room where I'm going." 
So I end up going to the bathroom rather than smoking weed by the dumpster. I'm not complaining, it keeps me regular.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.