Saturday, May 02, 2020

My son's "not even close to final" guitar exam.

He demonstrated better adeptness for the engineering of the guitar than for his chording and music skill. Now he gets to string and tune every working guitar I have plus his own. 
The Gutstring ("Trigger" my daily ax), His gutstring, The Double neck ("The Stump" 12 and 6 strings) A Baritone Ukulele and a tenor Ukulele. 
The saxophone was invented by the son of a musician. I forget his name...oh yeah his name was Sax. 
Adolphe Sax. 
He also invented the saxotromba, saxhorn and saxtuba. 
Not bad for a dude who just passably played clarinet. 
I hope my boy invents something musical.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.