Sunday, December 15, 2019

My favorite series is close to ending.

When I was growing up in the 80's people didn't really know much about life on Earth. Folks knew a lot about religion and sports but very few were interested in life the universe and everything. Very few even knew the language of science so investigating those things was difficult and best heresy at worst.
was all in.
I grew up in a house with a lovely huge family bible and next to it 36 encyclopedias. Fact books and bible didn't mix very well and that left me very confused.
China never recorded any global flood even though their civ was around a lot longer than the Mt. Ararat clique.
It dawned on me that we evolved from other creatures and the religions that people enjoy also evolved from other religions.
There was a term "The missing link" that assumed that there was some kind of gap separating us from the other creatures that also clearly evolved on Earth.
Since the 80's there have been thousands of discoveries that tell the story of human evolution.
Sorry Jeebus, none of them have anything to do with talking snakes.
I would love to find some way to bring people up to speed but it's difficult in this day of flashing lights and manipulative concepts.
My favorite video game is Civilization because it encompass everything. This is my favorite web series because it is a largely comprehensive class (always developing) of all the critters that had to happen for us to happen. If you can follow him you rule! That means you have been studying all along as well.
I really appreciate what Mr. Ra has done here. It's the project I would have done had I been the long haired, opinionated, educated Texan that this chap is.
I love his dry humor and love of heavy metal.
That is a science class I can really get into. Watch all the episodes. look for cracks in his theories.
It's a great ride if you like life, the universe and everything.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.