Saturday, December 14, 2019

Kitchen prank idea from Pirate chef Dingo! operation coldpan:

It's a busy night on the line. Everyone is kicking out plates in a timely manner. They look great. People are doing a ballet around each other to keep up with the tickets. If someone has to carry something hot to another station they yell "Hot Pan" and everyone is aware of the hazard.

Funny thing...if you put a pan in the freezer for a half hour you can then retrieve it during the rush and give your co-workers a friendly haze by pressing it to their skin and yelling "HOT PAN!" Therein lies the comedy as they will be distracted and caught unawares and without perceiving if the sensation was burning or freezing. Usually they jump, scream, drop what they are holding, realize they have been ha,d then mentally scratch you off their holiday card list. They will laugh and laugh, probably buy you a beer you get fired.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.