Monday, September 30, 2019

Rubber check blues.

We live hand to mouth so it's no fun getting a bounced check. We didn't ask a fee from the writer because if lack of money was the problem we never want to be part of that problem, When they found out about the check they Venmoed us the original amount right away. 
We were surprised to learn the bank charged US a fee. 

Our credit union teller seemed a little amused having to explain the system to some street clowns. 
Both parties get charged by banks we found out. In the end the credit union waived the fee for us. Walking home I asked "Why did they cut us a break?" 
She told me that of all the people in town, this teller knows what is coming in and what comes out. 
We love the Trailhead credit union. They told us they have a fund for just such occasions.
I guess when the fee takes over half the balance it paints a picture they don't want to see. 
 When we went to the roller derby we were so happy to see Trailhead is a supporter.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.