Thursday, September 19, 2019

"Entropy...I'm not half the stain I used to be."

 Bad news. My favorite Portland landmark is going away. It's an Ice Cream spill that used to be a full spilled Ice Cream Sunday that has been residing in a Mexican themed restaurant since I first noticed it circa 2017. It's extraordinary because the place doesn't sell ice cream. The staff is plentiful and they run a tight ship. It's a literal snowball in hell. And that ius why I love it. Underdog!  

The gambling machines must be a blind spot for the very religious staff because gambling es el diablo. Anyhoo. We just visited and noticed it has lost most of it's luster. I couldn't bring myself to photograph it. I wanna remember "Spilly" the way it was in this pic from months ago. Even if it fades away I will always remember how long it avoided the wipe rag. It's dying of natural causes. HANG IN THERE SPILLY!

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.