Saturday, September 07, 2019

Derby night!

  We were gifted a couple of VIP tickets and decided to take the whole crew. We had a blast. The only part we didn't like was seeing players we know and care about hurt. It was really exciting. 

It was funny watching our son have no idea what he was looking at. Our daughter had done some kid's roller derby and was able to clue him in. 

We did an experiment. We got permission to go out at half time and give out hundreds of balloons in the home-team's colors (The wreckers are teal, silver and black). We didn't know if we could even get that many balloons out in that short time or how well it would go over. 

At first it was great. The crowds loved us and everyone wanted a balloon to wave around. Some of the players were down too but in the end it was not so good a result because the players reported that it was distracting when all those balloons began popping. It's cool. We wouldn't know where to plug in if we never try. I enjoyed the food, the VIP seats and the free drinks. Seeing Olive tipsy and screaming for her favorite players was a riot. Thanks for the opportunity Annie Bosworth Foley Everyone was really nice to us and the family had a swell time.

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