Sunday, May 05, 2019

In the early Zerozees I was a line cook in this Alberta street restaurant.

It was Indian/Burning man themed and it was run like a business conceived at Burning Man with the primary goal of liquidating a trust fund.
It was a very entertaining job and a lot of the employees were already folks I cared about.
Eventually the entire kitchen crew started coming to work dressed as pirates to express our open revolt against the management.

On my cig breaks I would stand out here and look at this building.
The paper plate shaped decorations intrigued me. It wasn't as pretty as it is now.
It was white with trim the color of despair.
I would smoke my smokes and wonder how long I would have to support my family and clown habit by punching a clock.
I was thinking about those times yesterday.
We had a bar gig and a birthday party on Alberta street.
It's great to reminisce as I rolled around with this rascal.
The place I worked at quickly went under.
It was actually fun to ride it to the ground.
I had no idea it would be one of the last time clock jobs I ever had.

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spotting a fire