Saturday, March 30, 2019

In the hardware store just now I told the clerk I was looking for a clear light-bulb

. She asked what kind and listed the many kinds. I politely cut her off. "thanks I'm just looking for the normal, clear A-19 light-bulb." She started telling me the power saving advantages of compact florescent.
I say
"Thanks anyway friend. It's no biggie, the light will only ever shine once and for but a few seconds. I need to show my audience it's real before I devour it at our show tonight." She stood there blinking and then started trying to find me a deal.
"If you want to eat three light-bulbs, this three pack puts each bulb at half the price of the singles.
I asked her what kind of light-bulb she eats and she started waving me off
"I wouldn't eat any light-bulbs, go buy your stuff."
Olive is going to doing some public speaking tonight so I thought I would be her backup band by crunching some glass.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.