Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Stumptown Joustdown won by Daydream Nightshade

And look! It's Rabbit! AKA "Dogfucker" he was a master of tall bike-ery today...and just to make the kids happy he got injured too YAY!

A nice rainbow over Hawthorne street as we go down to 20th and Belmont for a day of bike Jousting.
What a day what a day what a day!
Click above for good pics!

Val the variety show entertained while we waited for the Jousting poles to arrive.She sang and danced and tapped and screamed.
I was happy she knows both kinds of music...elf songs and zombie songs.

It was quite a nice day in the park with lots of sunshine and some scattered showers.

People showed up and plopped down, nobody was in a rush.

Look at the Wheel, it Taco'ed after the impact and now looks like a figure 8.
That wheel belongs to a competitor who signed up as "Daydream Nightshade" (in the black helmet) I know him as Ollie.

Twitch is the shizzle!He is the king of rigging shit up...he fixed the wheel.

That's sweet of John to climb a pole to have a butt!
The most considerate smoker of the bunch! I wish they all did that.
I wasn't crazy about the second hand cigarettes smoke...that was irritating.

Someone in the crowd brought first aid...I love Portland.

"This man is hurt...does anyone have a beer?"

Rules are; if ya miss your target, your have to circle around and attack again.

This guy came all the way from Calgary Canada to Joust...he was with the California deligation.

Weeeeeee! Lots of little kids in the crowd were going nuts!
They had never seen such carnage..."who knew it was possible?" I bet they thought.
Solid Gold laid the M.C. rap down like a charm.

Solid Gold was the ringmaster of this circus.

The Grill Bike made like 30 perfect hot dogs for us and then jousted until it busted!
Great Job Twitch!

This guy! no This guy! no this guy!

I got to meet some new friends and see new faces.


I was glad to be asked to do this but I was a bit worried to do this gig as well.
Bringing my props to bike culture events sometimes screws me up...there are folks out there who will rip off my ideas and later I get to see them present a drunken shitty version of my life's work. I clown for a living, my stuff is valuable to me.
also...while i'm bitching...
I didn't like working around people who are drinking so much. I was appalled to be part of the beer, rum and tobacco commercial that was going down. On the other hand...It's so much better than being in TV culture, we have it great in Portland, everyone is on bikes and they all come out to be involved in whatever crazy shizzle is happening.
There is so much to do here and you don't need a car.
I can put up with a few jack asses to have the chance to show a couple hundred people new fun ways to enjoy the world.

Like what we do? Donation bucket!

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