Saturday, June 20, 2009

I was talking to this guy (click here)

And I had a flash from the past...
Once I was in a heavy metal band that practiced in an attic.
Mornings I would slide one of the two trap sets next to the other and play two drum sets for an hour.
I don't play drums...I just enjoyed waking up all the other band/room mates up at 8am.
I did find that doing that amazingly mean spirited prank built my arms up a little bit...damn, I miss waking people up.
Recently I named my heavy metal band "Medieval Dentistry" because I thought 'What could be bloodyer and screamy-er than Medieval era dentistry...then I found out that tooth care was one of the few things that they were good at AND those fuckers didn't have sugar like we do so they had really strong teeth.
That is, strong teeth for someone who's life expectancy is about 48 years old.
hahahaha! I cracked myself up.

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