Sunday, March 29, 2009

cool video that reminded me of my frustrations at 11 Y.O. Click here

My species frustrates me sometimes...I bet we frustrate you too, we are so darn short lived it's hard for past humans to speak clearly to future and present people.
That means our story as humans is so flawed it's impractical and dangerous to base your life on whispers and exaggerations from the past.
How would we know a Bronze age comic book from a news report?
When I was young I was raised Catholic like my parents were and about a billion other folks. People have been Catholic even The USA was a group of 13 imperialist colonies.
But as a Kid I was in trouble with the nuns and priests a lot. Not just a regular boy F-up tearing stuff up and throwing paper airplanes, I also got in plenty of trouble for dis-agreeing with them.
I did read the book they gave me(actually it was the big bible that my parents had)it was a grand and amazing book to me, huge pictures of Harrod killing babies, Moses parting the sea, Jesus racially profiled, framed, detained and stapled to a board. I loved that book my mom has...but it didn't ring true by any stretch.
When I accidentally kicked the head of my mom's giant Jesus statue I waited to be struck by lightning bolts that never came...I was mostly struck with the horrifying shock and disappointment of hurting my mom really bad...I wanted to be struck down by the God in the big book, y'know the micro manager one with the identity crisis, (GOD VOICE: "Baby Dingo You have Kicked the head from your mothers graven ye shall be cast into a sea of fire where you are never consumed and burning dogs eat out your spleen!...or say five "hail mary's" and sit in the godbox for an hour)
The bible as I read it back then looked more like the writings of many grumpy men who's work was compiled over hundreds of years into a giant chain letter.
I didn't understand what I was supposed to get from any of it, to this 11 year old the messages seemed childish and petty, much like stone age man must have been.
They were teaching me from a book that had so much made up stuff and hear-say that my gut wouldn't let me buy into the story.

Some said God talks to people through brush fires (smoking weed?)some say God just yells at you and makes you build boats or sacrifice your children, some say "inspired word of God" ...Yo that sounds like permission to make stuff up and I'm all for "Great Flood" story has ninja manatees in it!
I wondered what else the adults had so much faith in that was fundamentally untrue, misleading or at least a red herring. It caused stress in my pretty, little pre-pubescent mind. Understand that this was the same time that the Jonestown massacre was happening in Guyana, I was pretty freaked out by organized religion after that and it would take a long time for that to jell into a lesson about crowd control.
As long as you don't inflict it on other people ENJOY FAITH! it's not just healthy it's necessary for good spiritual health. Faith is HUGE to have in your life and the less baggage you have the finer your faithful focus can become,make sure to remember VISION and PERSPECTIVE, you can fine tune your body to see through walls, smell fear, heal itself (I'm waiting to get good at that one).
I feel like we are all mini-gods who can manifest the world right in front of us as we go along...think cancer-get cancer, think money get money, think healing!!!!!!HEAL PEOPLE!
So be grateful that you are an amazing creature.
Now to a kid, I was greatly disturbed by all the adults around me who bought into a story brought to you by the frikkin Vatican of all places, a place I knew to be a wicked, unhealthy, church state that was happy to burn the sin out of you with a hot poker! be honest as a kid reading about Pope Sixtus lV I wanted to be an evil pope! The worst part of me wanted to be that nasty tyrant with an air tight scam!
Who argues with GOD?
I was in the bottom of Texas surrounded by sheeple, other than my friends and family I had no connection with any of them, they are to me; cogs, willing slaves with big Texas sized blinders made of tortillas and oil money.
They were never very kind to me for being different in Texas as you may imagine.
I feel sorry for them living in a culture that shuns and degrades it's own evolution.
It was torture sometimes growing up so different from all the other "Blanks" in my grade.
Now if I really held a grudge I would go back, dress up as a cog, create a religious sect of whatever is the popular religion. I would use carnival tactics, propaghanda and psy-ops to engulf the competition churches and soon I would have those red-necks doing all kinds of crazy stuff, "GET TAZED FER JEZUS WEEEEEEE!" it would be so much fun...but Naaahhhh! I'm so over it, cool fantasy still.
I must admit, to this day I have to stop myself from preaching the gospel because I'm an honest man and if I ever go to the dark side my scam will have more to do with bikinis than religion...maybe real estate.

The better side of me wanted to warn my parents not to buy into the hype!
I guess I kind of forgot that the Inquisition was in the late 1400's and neither myself or any of my family members were poked by anything during that catholic time and none of my family is Catholic today.
Ever since I have been dedicated to finding truth and using imagination as an asset and you can believe this....I love you very much that...if I ever do find the perfect, world, religion...I promise I'll never mention it to you or any one else.

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