Monday, February 09, 2009


Turns out I have my work cut out for me, Frank was a lousy interview.
If he wasn't angry and demanding justice he didn't say much.
Interviewers get spiteful insults or simple yes or no answers, he was grumpy.
I found a piece he did at 22yo or so where he went on a talk show and made his first splash playing the music of two bikes, that's gonna be my starting point.
I have a fantastic 10' bike that is rigged with small mikes and carries it's own amp.
With this and some dancers I know I can make quite the scene doing what he started in the 50s.
Meantime I'm spending an hour or so every couple of days practicing voice and learning about the dude.
My G.F. is learning too and asking me questions that she wants answered as Zappa.
Funny huh?
I'm not there yet but well on my way.

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