Monday, December 15, 2008

made pretty penny

better shovel that ice out before it melts!
I went out today with a smile and a flat shovel.
I stopped at $100 after doing three $20 walkway shovels (front of house, sidewalk, steps and half the side walk on each side) and four dimes (side walk, or sidewalk to carport) I didn't need to be greedy and I wasn't about to try and sell them honey.
I wish I could have pitched them on my honey but I cant work with glass jars of honey, I also don't want that stuff to freeze so I left that at home.
I used to mow lots of grass in Texas and i just know the rule: weather=money.
My pitch :"The city requires that all walk ways be clear, if someone falls its a liability".
My angle:Work fast because it melts by afternoon (usually)but today the weather is holding well and if you are a broke ass mutha trucka...theres nobody but me (that I can see) doing it.
Make sure to wear gloves and make sure your shovel is long enough...stooping down sucks ass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And there i was sitting in the cold waiting for help that wasn't coming, and for free none the less.

eventually the negative numbers add up and turn into positive ones, right?

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