Saturday, November 03, 2007

Possible rouge of the week?

The Last Thursday Presurvation society came to me during the last few months of the Clown House thanked me for all the stuff we did for the community over the years, they asked "what can we do to help the clown house"?
I said, to start a new Clown House we need to get the damage deposit back from the landlord, so we need some dough to clean up the joint.
I asked for Tshirt seed money, they asked the local buissnesses and raised a few hundred bucks, I took the money and had a brilliant artist "Justa Clown" draw an image and we quickly sold out of Clown House shirts, I used the money to buy two big dumpsters, bribe workers and get cleaning stuff so we would have the 1500 deposit back.
We really wanted the place and we payed a $300 non refundable pet deposit when we moved into the place it had no roof.
Well we got the place ship shape and really nice, our people had many work parties just like we did when we moved in.
The only things that we actually broke was a window and the front fence got hammered by the crowds over the years, other than that we made the place better by far.
Well the land lord seems to have burned us, they didn't show up on moving day to see the place clean and now they claim we left it a mess and full of needles, the thing is, needles offend the hell out of us and it's insulting to be ripped off and called junkies.
I think they are ripping off one of the most photographed houses in Portland, I bet there are plenty of photos of the place all nice and fixed up.
I couldn't take any photos because I was busy working all that month.

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spotting a fire