Thursday, October 11, 2007

I gotta be careful what I say.

I went to see a friend's band tonight, I was looking for the next circus folks.
I fella told me "After two beers I'll do anything you want me to Dingo."
He didn't say "I want to learn the tricks of the primal circus trade", he said "I'll do anything".
Without a second thought I pulled the bandanna from my neck and held it up to him.
"Did you have two beers yet?"
I asked.
"Three or four"
"Good, take this bandanna and tie it to......
I looked across the Portland sky line and pointed to a sign on the roof of a six story building, pretty far away, I thought.
"tie my scarf to the top pole of the bill board on that building.
I was hoping to illistrate that booze is no match for practice and focus when doing stuff like this.
Well, his friend heard the whole thing and swiped the bandanna out of my hands.
The dude jumped off the balcony, ran over several rooves, I thought there was a street or two between them but somehow the guy climbed up ricketty gutters and wet steel and brick.
I watched in horror as this fool climbed the roof of the roof and then up into the sign, ribbed himself up to the top, tied my bandanna up there and withing 10 min. was back in the club.
I pulled $5 from my pocket and pinned it to his lapel.
He is still way too drunk to be in my show but I found his stunt damn amazing and stupid.
He wasn't even the guy I was puting up to stuff.
I hear that another dude also made the climb and brought the bandanna back, I have yet to see it.

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