Sunday, February 12, 2006

(singing) I Quit!

You may rememberthis mess...Have you ever thought, "Man, I gotta go to work in an hour and my body just won't let me do it." I had one of those today.
I thought, "Hey, I'm the bread winner for a family, think I'll just quit my job and start my own business buying lotto tickets at the gas station."
Naw, not really. I did quit the Barakka job though.
The guys un-managing the place were just too deluded and unreal to work for another day.
It sucks: I tried to find work for all the crew to migrate together to and missed it by two days or so.
I talked to a guy who has just opened a place, and he told me if he had known a few days earlier, he would have given us all a try.
I'm really glad I had my old position to fall back on "cronic un-employable."
It was around four twenty in the afternoon, I was sitting in the big red shoe bike thinking about pencils, and that lead me to decide to write off Barakka as a viable job.
They had better pay me, since they will be reporting all of our wages to the man for taxation. (After never giving us W4 forms, and paying us under the table.) That's such a crappy move - to care so little about the people helping you that you put them in harm's way without ever losing the fake smile.
I rode my bike to get groceries for the fam fam, and happened to drop into the Concordia Ale house ( 33d and Killingsworth, a hundred beers to choose from and great meals at a reasonable price) I told the crew there that I had talked to the boss, and I MAY be back on the schedule.
They let me know that I have been on the schedule for weeks, and wanted to know where the hell I've been. Kidding, but I am on the schedule, so I guess I'm not as unemloyed as I thought. I got a Monday and Tuesday closing shift.
It's weird asking for your old job back. Kinda like going back to your ex-girlfriend and saying you were just clowning around.You assure her that you wore a rubber nose, and this time you won't chase the first restaurant you see, just because it's serving spicy food. (I have a major crush on the hottest spicy sauce at the old place). In other words, you can still have fun together but the trust is gone.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rock and roll. concordia is a good place.

  “Man in the box”, “Hot for teacher” I didn’t have karaoke songs that I wanted to do until now. I have been enjoying a secret romance with ...