Saturday, December 17, 2005


I just saw an ad that has gone way too far. Its a tv ad for a pill that "cures" antsy legs.
Yeah that's right, they are marketing a pill for restless leg syndrome.
I even goes as far as to inform us that it's a recognized problem.
So they appeal to slobby couch potatoes to ask their doctors to prescribe a pill for a condition that can be cured by frikkin standing up. Later I found out that they invented the chemical and had to find a use for it afterwards. I think it's called "Disease mongering" check out this link.
The pill also comes with some heavy side effects, one of them is "Drowsiness during waking hours" and general sloth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did a little research on Restless legs syndrome. Apparently, it keeps people awake at night. The first link is a page that describes the disease, the 2nd link is a place to get an herbal cure,

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