Saturday, December 10, 2005

from the dishwasher who walked,

tylerjohnfool has left a new comment on your post "Sung to the tune of hallelujah":

yeah, so, i can appreciate the cast character index. i think that "ponytail attack dog" or whatever is appropriate. just remember dingo, that "the worst thing about looking for a new job, is finding one". i read your ten most defeatist lines or whatever, and i have decided to become a more positive person...not tonight though, fore tonight i am way too depressed by my surroundings...oh, and i need those manuscripts for the book. as soon as i gots 'em, i's can be uh sendin' 'em off. i told Kristal, the lady at 7 stories press, that i would get it out to her asap(All Shits Are Poop). i havent called the friend in seatle cause i don't have the goods yet, so light a fire my man, cause the worst part about dying would be the realization that you never got to try to live in the first place...anyway, i am busy myself, got this crappy show on Monday. nothing worse than a band who plays pro-revolutional music based on 18th century French movements and a general unrust for the life that has been given them...we hate cell phones, we hate trends and fashion, we despise being ostracized for being overly sensitive...and we are playing at an Ethiopian resaurant and opening for a band that claims to be "very AC-DC esque". i might shoot myself tonight.....tyler john fool

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the smiths said it best (and when isnt this the case?) --
i was looking for a job and i found a job. heaven knows, i'm miserable now.

Treasure quest with Dingo Dizmal