Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Don't forget

If you have a Jack o lantern or two on your porch. And if it's not in too bad a shape. Maybe YOU can make a killer pot of soup out of it. If you had a candle in it, then you just saved a tiny amount of cooking time.
Just scrape the inside goo out and throw it in a big pot of boiling water, add frozen veggies, soy salsa, and if you like, cinnamon and sugar. Cook until the smoke detector goes off and then ingest into your stomach. Your body automatically kicks in for the rest of the pumpkins journey through the G.I. tract. Then excrete the mixture into a bowl and flush.

I want Phil Collins to do a song about this.


it was a great summer here.


Anonymous said...

Thanx for that Dingo. I went to work at 5:00 this morning after a delicious pumpkin junk soup and almost pooped myself outta nowhere. I had to run to the pot (with the runs) so many times in the first two hours that I decided to come home. I told my supervisor about my problem and that I thought I should probably leave. She looked at me in a way that said, " You really wanna go home for that?" and I mean, I dont care so much if they wanna pay me to sit on the toilet all day, but I just came home anyway. 5:00 AM sucks. peace.

Anonymous said...

It isn't as eco-friendly, but I prefer my jack-o-lanterns flambae'd in a fine unleaded wine:

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