Friday, October 28, 2005

Reuse is cool!

I just found out that the city wont let the recycling people give us any more than two recycling bins, that sucks, we have way more recycling than trash, the whole idea is to keep as much stuff as possible out of the land fill.
Anyone have any ideas to get around yet another road block set up by the city?
I love the reuse thing , and I'm sad that it's so hard to do the right thing in this land of over stuffed, over packaged garbage.
I hate being sad sooooooo. Lets look at some frikkin cats in sinks!!!!YAY!!


Anonymous said...

See, the reason I was calling the garbage co. to get more yellow bins, is because the city inspector guy (nice fella, just doin' his job,) told me we're not allowed to use various crates & boxes in our outdoor recycling area.
Can you say, "danged if ya do, danged if ya don't?"

Anonymous said...

i am a bit confused with caffeines comment and dingos combined. are you wanting more yellow bins just for storing recycled stuff outside in your yard? or do you actually want more bins to be hauled away each week?

if its the first case, i can see several options. you could come up with some other "acceptable" way to store the stuff (i.e. not in bins, but in some kinda enclosure or whatever); or just get bins from folks who use only one (sadly there are many who likely use NONE). still, this does not really solve the problem of what to do with the stuff, so...

addressing that point, i find it hard to believe that it is about the city explicitly forbidding the recycling (trash?) people from giving you more than two bins -- it probably more has to do with money, and cost of hauling/processing the recycled stuff, when spread over all the customers. in other words, if one customer can have 20 yellow bins, then any could, then suddenly the garbage place is dealing with a lot more recycling to take. it is the same with trash. if you need 2 trash cans, you pay for it. i suspect if you paid for twice the service they would be happy to give you 4 bins.

thats my guess anyway. that said, i imagine you could either pay for more to be taken that way, or haul it to metro yourself. this, of course, takes car-action to do, and will cost money. (some stuff i think you can get paid for... maybe aluminum? i am not sure though.)

some possibly useful links: OSD Residential Recycling and Metro recycling (seems the hotline here might be worth calling)

good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yay for cats in sinks! That helps a lot.

Do you know anything about living on a boat?

Dingo Dizmal said...

Living in a boat?
I would imagin that if you live on a boat, sleep walking could turn into sleep drowning.
Hey Vaiden! How is Arizona treating you?
How about sending me a note about your fine tall bike experience so I can share it with the folks who read this blog?

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Today I took my secret romantic partner's 10 year old son on one of my Dump Bunny cartage service dump runs. We had a blast together but...