Friday, October 28, 2005

Last Thursday come and gone

I was at work and Chlorine and Capt. Insano did a stint as the fun police. I hear there was a gaggle of sad clowns across the street holding a candle light vigil for us that turned into a dance party.
I was working with a fella named Tyler and we made up songs about suicide.
One called "Paint the devil on the wall," is a Texas blues tune and "Shower with the vacume it's lots of fun" is sung 20s hoppin jazz style.
The yard has zero props save for a lone clown hung from the neck untill dead representing the way a few people have in many ways killed us.
Now back to the goofyness.
Speaking of dead cartoons

I agree with all of this exept the homophobia

play withyourself,I do

OH MY GOD! some christians are so feeble minded and yet happy to inflict religion on you.

Now this guy knows how to make a complaint

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