Friday, October 21, 2005

Our plainface friends

Many non-clowns helped with "Operation Clean Sweep: an economy in ruin," this last few days. I would like to thank J.Maus for getting the word out, and for digging up the info on who is mad at us and why. Jon is the only person we know personally who came to our gig last week,kicking off the PISS fest.
The fourth Annual Portland International Short Short Film Fest (aka PISS
Fest!) is Friday, October 21 and Saturday, October 22 at the Hollywood
Theatre. ShowTime is 7 PM and 9:10 PM on each night. Each show features
a different line-up of films. Information on all of the films to be
shown can be found at www. <>
The Hollywood Theatre is located at 4122 NE Sandy Blvd. in Portland.
I was so glad to see Jon (exept for the part when he almost killed me, grinding my torso, under his foot, into a bed of broken glass). The rest of the crowd didn't really know what they were looking at.
Wise old bike guy not only kicked us down money, he also told me the story of the "Lambert Death Forks." He found a set in our collection, and told me what they were, so we were able to save a piece of interesting bike history...kind of like owning an Edsel, or something. It'll make a great peice for The Museum of Bike Weaponry (one of my side projects, details at a future date, so far it's awsome).
There were about 10 fellas who dropped by, and traded some dough for some frames and gear. I know all those bikes will end up on the road, and that's what it's all about.
The Super Double Manditory Inspection of Doom will be going down the day after Last Thursday, or soon after, depending on city staff time, so I think it would be in the best interest of the Clown House to be shut down during the Last Thursday art walk. I've already commited that night to my cook job, so I won't be around.
Thanks also to you, Portland, for tuning in to our little corner of the city, and the adventures of the Clown House. My worst fear is that we become the Hillsboro Clown House and meth exchange.
Stay tuned for updates in our continuing coverage of "Clown House in Crisis" the quest for sustainability.


Anonymous said...

The city has received complaints about my
> "overgrown" garden- once someone
> complained about it being an abandoned lot!! The
> few times this has
> happened there's always been a "for sale" sign up at
> a neighboring house.
> Here's the thing that outrages me... (it's similar
> to the situation at the
> clown house)
> I don't think a single day goes by that I don't hear
> some one say something
> positive about the garden. Bicyclists shouting to
> each other, pedestrians
> walking by and commenting to each other, people
> shouting out to me, "you
> have a beautiful garden'. I have had so many people
> say they take this
> route for their walk especially to go by and see the
> garden. They walk
> their kid's by to see the chickens- I met shifter
> Todd that way!
> So I don't get how one complaining fool can spoil
> everything.
> The people enforcing these rules have to be given
> the ability to make
> judgment calls. "Nature-scaped" gardens are given
> special status to avoid
> these overgrown nuisance complaints. Why can't
> there be special status for
> a neighborhood's much loved "art house"?

Anonymous said...

In fact, there might be a special status for art. In
some places there is an exception to zoning laws for
yard art. The clowns may have to make an argument that
the bikes are art, but I am sure lots of people would
stand beside them to say that crazy bikes are art and
they might be able to save some of it that way.

Even the stage...?

Anonymous said...

OK, speaking of my over grown garden…

This Saturday and Sunday we are having “work parties” to set up for the Oct 28th bikey Halloween party.

Saturday we will be doing papier-mâché with puppet maker Sue, and constructing “scare-crow” like figures, and setting up “haunted garden” vignettes. We’ll start around 11 am. But feel free to arrive later if you’re a late riser.

It would be helpful f you can bring any of the following:

Old clothes or pieces of fabric -for the goblins, witches, pirates, “little people” ghouls/gnomes or whatever you call them- think Rumpelstiltskin



Props of any sort

Masks- especially those kind that go over you’re whole head

Fake blood


Tree branches


Imagination and your own ideas!

Sunday we’ll be setting up tarps in case of rain, lighting, sound, and anything else that needs doing.

*We need some lengths of heavy chain to string between the street trees to create bike parking*.

If you’ve got just a little time to spare come on by either day and stay as long as you can/ want.

Email me at for directions.


positive mail roll model

Today I took my secret romantic partner's 10 year old son on one of my Dump Bunny cartage service dump runs. We had a blast together but...