Friday, October 21, 2005

GO PORTLAND! By Chlorine

This is so very cool, to see a whole buncha people speaking out to KEEP PORTLAND WEIRD!
It sure has been a busy week, here at the clown house. Not knowing what, exactly, needed to be cleaned up, we've been purging all our excess stuff...I even cleaned the ATTIC!

Hey, that reminds me of a joke:
Look down your shirt, and spell attic.

Anyway, a whole gaggle of clowns, & clown-positive plainfaces has been working night & day, delivering bike parts, unclaimed laundry, & Nordic Traks to... well, they didn't tell me where they took it all. I think it was the dump and the scrapyard, but Dingo told me they're storing it all at the bottom of the Willamette River. I'm not so sure I beleive him, cuz he also said they burned it all in the alley, and I know for a fact, most of that stuff won't burn.

People were so nice to write & call the city, just for little old us. Also, people at the City were so nice to call & help us work it out. Our friends were so nice to come over for a short-notice work party. Gosh, everyone's so doggone PORTLAND! thanks!

I think tomorrow I'll take my sub & go dumpster diving. I hear there's some good bike parts at the bottom of the Willamette.
And don't worry, we'll keep ya posted on any new developments.
La Lucha Continua!
love, Chlorine Enema Jones

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positive mail roll model

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