Tuesday, August 06, 2024

bouncer duty

 Bouncy ball

 Tonight a guy told on himself . He mentioned that he had previously got the boot. And then immediatly he was summerily given the boot. Woop woop 86 boing! Upon arriving at work I beheld two fellows and I immediatly thought "These two guys are gonna get bounced". They were pleasant fellows but they had thick "Drunk accents". We still connected right away. I was enjoying thier company very much. Funny thing was we all thought the other two knew one another. We didn't. It just felt that way because we were a "mutual admiration society"  It's also my duty to keep an eye on them so i was glad they were staying close. My hope was that they would have some time to sober up. I suggested they get some food. They bought some jalapino poppers and even shared them with me. Mercy sakes alive, they were DELISH! I was blown away by how good they were. Then I popped my third popper and some white goo spewed out of it all over my clothes. It looked like Seagull shit. LOL worth it. anyhoo...

One of the gentlemen was really showing the "slurs" and some beligerentz so he was cut off. Thankfully he was nice about it and got a water. They ordered more poppers and he sang an awsome rendition of an Alice and Chains song. Thats when the night (for him) took a southernly turn. He went back to the bar and told the barkeep "I'm glad our relationship is back on track." Bartender "What relationship?" Him "We cool now after you threw me out 6 months ago." The bartender quickly remembered him, furrowed brow and told him he needed to leave. I don't know what he did but if she reacted like that, it's enough for me. He laughed but she was not laughing. This dude told on himself HAHAHA! yet he was shocked we were jettisonning him. He started protesting "But i spent money and sang that great song."

The barkeep said "You can exit on your own or i can have my doorman assist you."

I thought "this is gonna be good, she called security." Then i realized I'm the security.

I compassionatly compelled him out the door but he was still steaming mad. Boyhowdy he was hot. Luckily other drunk guy was giving him great advice. "Just call it a night bro. Don't dwell on it. go home and sleep it off." YES! This is why I like these foos.

I had grown fond of Senior 86 so I was shaking his hand and bidding him goodbye and good luck.

He was kind to me but still very angry. He mentioned that maybe it was because of his brown skin. Me and the other guy quickly shut that down.  "Noooo its you dude. Don't go that route. If it was about brown none of us would be here."

Luckily a big crowd showed up and i got to go inside. Mr.86 left.

After I had cleared the group I look outside. I nice car pulled up and a lovely woman walked out. The other guy looked her up and down and said "Damn Man" Her face scrunched up unhappy. 

He started back into the tavern and I said "Hey Homie. Do not speak to that person again. Your comments made her uncomfortable. For reals." 

 He sat 15ft. away from her and i returned to my post (fully expecting to bounce dood in mere moments. 

Mere moments later he walked out looking like a cat that ate the goldfish. Behind him the bartender appeared with some questions. 

"Did you just offer to buy that lady a drink if she sits with you?"


Me: "Dude I specifically told you not to talk to her."

Bartender: So you disreguarded an instruction from one of our staff? We can't have that. Here is the deal since I already made the drink I'm gonna put it on your tab. This isn't the place to act like that."

He was miffed but he got to stay. I told him "buying a random woman a drink in a bar is like decades old notion don't do that." 

Him "But she was alone."

me. "Maybe she likes alone. It's her choice. If she is interested in you it will be obvious. Your advances come off creepy. If ya wanna find a date, might I suggest online dating or even better, Ask your loved-ones to set ya up. Having a line of accountabillity is helpful. "

He agreed but he was grumpy about having to buy the drink. 

I said "At least ya made a friend!" 

We hugged.  

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