Friday, January 06, 2023

I love the convos with my son as I take him to and from school every day.

I had been following an epic saga.

All year two of his classmates have been involved in a massive feud. It was started as a scuffle over a mechanical pencil and has been raging all year. They would regularly see one another an immediatly go in with the haymakers. My boy got used to just stepping around them. Unfortunatly (for me) one of the kids was taken out of the school over it.

I still ask about drama when i pick him up. He said that there is very little drama outside those two baboons. I asked "How about battles over "love triangles? My school had tons of them."

Then he informed me about the new math. He said "I think you mean "Love corners" that could theoretically cause problems but love triangles are fine.

He isn't telling me anything I don't know but I'm still happy to have him tell me about the birds and the bees and the bears and the tigers.

He was perpexed why I care about these unsightly events. I had to inform him that I'm a 90's kid. I came up with chair throwing TV talk shows brimming with embarassing drama...I was even a guest on a couple of them (with a made up story). He would rather talk about War Hammer but I used up all my WH convo a long time ago.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.