Thursday, February 25, 2021

Olive made me some "special" mac n cheese.

We had some pot butter to use. I ate and then painted the craziest stuff while giggling and listening to radio static through a guitar amp. I was impressed and mentioned how I couldn't even taste the buds in the mac. She told me she forgot to add the special to my special mac. Oops. So it was just pasta and cheese themed powder. My wife almost added milk and butter like it says on the box. I quickly stopped her and said "No way! I'm looking for "roomate" style mac n cheese not "Mom's" mac and cheese." We are on a tight budget these days but to keep my rockstar posh cred I paid twice for the box of mac. It was worth it. It was imported from a country called "western family" Bon apatoot!. Pro tip" If ya want your meals to stretch out more, try using chopsticks to eat slippery little pastas. It will make dinner stretch all night long.

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