Sunday, March 15, 2020

I just popped into a very busy cafe.

I just popped into a very busy cafe. I wanted to call everyone's attention and say "Hey does anyone here currently have the Covid virus?
 I would buy your coffee if you wouldn't mind hocking a loogie right in my eye." 
Sounds dumb I know but I wanna get on the other side of this mess so I can start helping people. 
That isn't really practical though because the whole idea is about buying time so hospitals don't get over full. 
I keep noticing symptoms and asking Olive if it's Covid. 
"Hey I'm urinating popcorn, is that the virus?" 
Her: "No you're a clown, that's normal." Thanks Hon.
I love that we are existing in a brief moment where farting is immeasurably less offensive than coughing or sneezing. Right on farts for moving up the social ladder (by default)

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.