Saturday, December 07, 2019

luv the pants

It's awkward to walk through a grocery store with food on a dish. I like awkward. We stopped into a grocery store for a couple of sandwiches. As we walked I was eavesdropping on a couple who were in a bad way (because I'm nosy...FOR SCIENCE!)
Then I had to have Olive reinterpret their argument to me, a simple time traveler with no smart phone and no clue.
"Why was she so furious that her dude had an Ap on his phone?"
Olive: "Because it's Tinder."
That opened up a deep rabbit hole.
By the time my food was gone I was still clarifying "So there is zero reason for anyone who is married (and not in a polyamourus or open marriage) to have that romance Ap?" Olive: "Yes, that would be problematic."
I keep thinking maybe folks would download the ap to "lover shop" for friends and family. She said that wasn't a thing. Great lunch convo though.
Glad lunch turned around. Shortly after picking up those awkward plates an older gent leaned into the back of my neck and said "Luv the pants."
I couldn't enjoy the compliment because his actions gave me road rage. I wasn't hip to having my space invaded but I had to weigh dropping my lunch against the satisfaction of freaking out.
By the time I got over myself I wasn't mad any longer and the dude had long gone. :)

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.