Friday, November 08, 2019


Went to Slappycakes! The d.i.y. pancake spot with griddles on the tables is one of our favorite local places. I actually wasn't too hip to go this morning because we only had a few people at our gig. 
I don't like spending the trickle of flow we get in one setting. Olive lives for dates so it's worth it. 
She assured me we could cover it. 
Still I ordered the cheapest thing and swiped some batter from the next table. I got the cheapest thing by default...I just love biscuits and gravy. 

The batter special today was Chai. 
We like having a couple of color values at the table. The kinds of batter plus the time it cooks is where the art comes from. 

The toppings are just window dressing. 

It's a delightful surprise each time because you are pouring the batter to make a picture on the other side. 
You never know if it came out until the flip-a-roo. 

Olive got potatoes and a Bloody Mary. So good, i recommend Slappycakes to everyone. 
We ate, giggled, made out, did some food art and then took off to take pics of each other's butts...for science.

 f.y.i. Slappy gets crowded, if that happens there are food carts just across the street.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.