Sunday, February 03, 2019

Imagine how unreasonable a 3 y.o. is.

This Dude. Imagine how unreasonable a 3 y.o. is. Not the part where they throw a fit because something is the wrong color. I'm talking about the laughing at a joke that isn't funny part. "knock knock, who's there?, "bannannapumpkin!" That's my best 3 yo joke. No idea why it works but it kills. Imagine the joy of the laugh that non-sequitur gets and that is how one of our fans rolls 24-7. Pure joy and he is also a huge O&D fan. 

now we gotta build this bike. 

My man recently gifted us this portrait. He actually made an entire O&D comic book. I'm so impressed that a three year old did this, We get a lot of fan art. I think this is some of the best skill I ever seen. Can't wait to see what this Dude does when he grows up. I asked what the circles under Olive were. Everyone in the room scolded me "Those are balloons!" I didn't see that right away, I thought the kid somehow found my "too hot for internet" pics of us. Anyhoo, I'm super impressed with this artwork. I would make it our official Tshirt but unfortunately people are more likely to ask us for a free shirt than buy one so we end up folding every shirt run.

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positive mail roll model

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