Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Retraction alert.

Retraction alert. I made a mistake yesterday. Hi Gang, it's yer old pal Dingo the clown. We often are compelled to do the same material over and over because we know it's safe. 
New stuff is hit or miss and can come with some mistakes. 
We won't get to stay the People's clowns very long if we make a lot of mistakes. 
Yesterday we were doing a wonderful tea party to a packed Know Thy Food cafe. 
Olive and I were involved with some goofy banter where we were telling jokes. She did her three jokes and then it was my turn to close the deal. 
The plan was for me to go with a non-sequitur. Knock Knock, who's there? Banana. That's it. 
My daughter made that up when she was three and it was a riot to her. In the lead up to the joke, my mischievous brain was coming up with lines I definitely should NOT say. "banana hammock" came to mind. 
Then it was my turn. All was going well until the punchline part. Knock Knock, who's there? Banana, Banana who? ...and I stupidly pronounce "Banana hammock!" 
As that rediculous phrase was falling out of my face, it spilled out in slow motion. I had plenty of time to wonder how this unfortunate moment came to pass. 
"Banana hammock" went blissfully over the heads of the shorty's and many parents were looking at me like Olive was...with some curiosity and concern. 
They quickly seemed to forgive me and we moved on with the show. I'm sorry I said "banana hammock" Yall. 
We are going back to the same place today (Know Thy Food cafe) for our weekly 10:30 storytime show.
 I promise to keep my language on task and out of any innuendo that is too obvious. Thank you Portland for being so forgiving. ~Dingo
 — at Know Thy Food Cooperative.


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Treasure quest with Dingo Dizmal