Friday, September 07, 2018

Out on the grill today I met a charming trio of tourists.

charming trio of tourists. They were from Indiana. One said "Bingo" I said, "Um yeah, I don't actually care but if you are keeping good records I'm called Dingo, Bingo is the name of my granny who sadly passed away this mornin', thanks for bringing it up I..." And they interrupted "No, I said Bingo, we are playing Portland Bingo and a tallbike is on our list, can we take a picture? "oh sure of course, happy to help." 

We stood there chatting a long time. They apologized for Mike Pence. Apparently the vice pres is a huge point of embarrassment for that state. We chatted a lot about politics and Portland and bikes. We discovered we all have a mutual admiration for the state of Iowa. So there's that. Then Olive arrived and we took off bidding our newest single serving friends goodbye.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.