Sunday, August 05, 2018

That tone is the same in all languages.

This Chinese lady who is staying with us is driving her daughter nuts waking her up to translate. She is fascinated.
I don't speak the language but I do have a Mom. I know what she is telling her kid. "No, don't just tell me they are clowns and they live upstairs.
I still have questions 3 through 103 about this here situation. Now stay put and tell me what these fools have to say." HAHAHA! You go girl.We have a new best friend. That tone is the same in all languages.

We found this middle aged lady in our living room. 
She was shy and bashful because she doesn't speak English. 
She muttered "I from China Beijing" Instantly we greeted her in Mandarin. 
She got a huge smile. Flash forward an hour later and Olive. the Mom. and the daughter are tangoing. Cutting a rug like old friends.

 Living in a house that rents rooms is a perfect roost for clowns. 
We sadly said goodbye to our Chinese national friends this morning
 Now we have a new set of sweetheart single serving friends.

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