Tuesday, June 19, 2018

New paint job. I painted my bike from black to purple for a Prince ride..and to celebrate our purple tea.

How to trick out your bikes paint job. 
I had painted the whole bike black to be in a funeral. 
Then I took white spraypaint and carefully painted through the lace of a table cloth over and over.
 It took a long time and a lot of acrobatics to get all the angles while keeping the spray can upright. 
Then it's all about a can of purple, translucent "designed for metal" paint. 
Last step is a whole can of clear coat. 
it was right as purple rain for the Prince ride that happened the next day.
That's how ya do it. :)

I painted my bike purple to reflect Olive and Dingo Tea.  It's the best paint job I have done on this bike in a long time. It gets re-painted a few times a year. 
One day I hope to mail my bike to Texas for a paint job. My friend Rene Zunigais just off the hook with the custom paint jobs. Clean as I ever seen. I wanna hire him to trick out my hoopty.  Till then it's just my rattle-can and table cloth. 
I don't remember all the paint jobs this bike has had since circa-2005. That's when "Behemoth" became my main ride. I do think this is one of the better ones. 
Does my bike look heavy fully loaded with music gear and clown stuff? It is. I don't mind. 
Here is a link to our tea sponsor. http://chariteaspot.com/

get our tea here. :)

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